I just arrived home this week from a wonderful work and family trip. I was fortunate to experience the amazing channel and trance medium, Mama Ellie, and meet her students. She is a powerful medium, who has been sharing her gifts for over 35 years. Her charm and humor create a warm environment that supports healers and light workers of many different modalities. 

Her group of gifted healers were so generous to share their many talents over the 4 day event, from feeling the wonderful healing energy that I experienced from a Gong Meditation, also called a Gong Bath, to learning more about interesting crystals, such as Selenite. Selenite, which means,”moon” in Greek is a soft and translucent crystal which is known for cleansing the chakras, healing and grounding. Use selenite to create emotional balance and harmony in your life.

Helping to teach and demonstrate mediumship is a favorite part of my work, in addition to giving several private readings. Medium Ed Torres and I demonstrated connecting to the same spirit communicator and deliver messages. This is called a “double link.” We also did several private readings where we double linked to give messages to our sitters. Meeting new people from all over the world and learning how other mediums connect to spirit was a learning experience for me as well.

Thank you to my dear friend and colleague, Medium Ed Torres, for allowing me to join you on this amazing, heart felt reunion.