Your direction in life changes as you grow. Not just physically but mentally and spiritually as well. You may have achieved many of your dreams and goals already. Congratulations! Now you should stop, check them off your list, and create new ones so that you may continue to grow.


These 4 tips may help you set your goals;


  1. Create a vision board to help you focus on your new desires. A vision board is a visualization tool where you display images that help you focus on goals and dreams. Jack Canfield’s description on how to make a vision board is very helpful: click here
  2. Meditate and allow that sacred time to have new ideas come to you to identify your goals and align your pathways.
  3. Breathe in and out of your heart space. Imagine yourself achieving your goals. What do you see? Hear? Feel?
  4. Ask your spirit team of guides and inspirers for help.


Set your new course,


It may be as easy as revisiting or refining your current goals with more detail, or you may create brand new goals and directions to take your life.


Work with the universe. Open yourself and listen.



Lots of love,

