
Many of you wrote to me that you enjoyed reading my article about John of God in October 2014. casa_1

He comes to the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, New York every September and offers a 3 day healing, where over a thousand people attend every year.

John of God is a full body trance medium, which means that he allows the spirit, also called entity, to fully incorporate  his body to perform psychic surgeries and invisible surgeries. People come to him for physical, mental and emotional healings. Also, people come to ask for greater spiritual awareness and expansion. They ask for help for themselves or they come to see him for a loved one who is not able to make the journey.

John of God is the first to admit that he does not heal, only God heals.

I wanted to share with you my latest visit to see John of God. This time at his casa in Abadiania, Goias, Brazil, the Casa de Dom Inacio de Loyola. It was in April 2015, I traveled to this sacred and holy area for 2 weeks to learn and experience more of  John of God.

It was Awesome! Amazing! Beyond!

I met people from France, Germany, Italy, Greece, Japan, Australia….wow!


I met people who came to stay for 3 weeks, 1 month, a couple of people were staying 6 months. The energy is beyond anything I have ever felt before.  Not only is he gracious, but everyone at the Casa, is a blessed angel. The employees and the volunteers are   humbled and grateful to have the opportunity to be in his presence. They are very helpful and dedicated. Some of them have been with him for over 30 years. Everyone  feels fortunate for the opportunity to be in the energy…..and to be a part of something bigger than all of us.

From the first day… I knew I was at the right place at the right time,  experiencing all that is possible. And may I say…


On the first day, we began in meditation while John of God is with his assistants in another room beginning his trance to receive the entities, or spirit doctors. He channels one entity at a time. He has channeled a total of 37 entities, with 4 or 5 main spirit doctors. These spirit doctors were doctors of high regard in Brazil during their lifetime, and have chosen to come back to continue helping people.

Significance of the Triangle



There is a place in the main hall over the stage and two other areas of the Casa where you will see a prayer triangle on the wall. The sides of the triangle represent Faith, Love, Charity. You may tuck pictures of your loved ones, written requests and prayers for healing into the bottom of the triangle. They are collected daily and placed in a basket for healing and blessings from John of God and the entities. You may place your forehead in the middle of the triangle and ask for help in silent prayer.


Pasted GraphicI had brought many pictures of friends, family and pets.

As I sat in silent meditation with many other people, perhaps 250 that afternoon in the main hall, the entities came to me. This is on the first day! I felt their presence, which is a compassionate and loving energy. They showed me pictures, in my mind’s eye, that they have already gone through all my photos, as if they were scrolling through a rolodex or flipping through pages of a book, fanning the pages… they told me that they already saw the photos and all the people in the photos were being attended to and helped. I hadn’t even taken the photos out of my bag yet and I am already having this amazing experience with the entities. That’s how it works! They know you are coming to see John of God and they already know you, your life and your friend’s life.

One of the photos in my white bag(purse) I gave them the next day, was a photo from my friend in North Carolina, who has a niece that gave birth to  a pre-mature baby, Allen, is his name. On the first evening after returning to my hotel from my first day with  John of God… I received a text from my friend in North Carolina, who said that Allen’s blood pressure is back to normal. He was taken off oxygen that same day and doing much better. Thank you sweet spirits!images-6


For more information, please visit:


Shirley MacLaine and Oprah have visited John of God.

Check out Oprah’s you tube interview,

Dr. Wayne Dyer received a healing remotely, a few years ago. Check out his blog on  John of God,






In love and light,


 divider background image 700wCheryl Murphy Spiritual Medium and Clairvoyant PsychicCheryl Murphy is a Gifted Clairvoyant Psychic Medium. She is a heart centered healer and intuitive who helps many with key life issues. Her spiritual readings help those who suffer from grief and mourning and care to connect to loved ones that have passed. Her love psychic readings provide love help and assistance with issues dealing with love and relationships. If you are at a fork in the road, she can help make a decision by connecting you with your spirit guides, who here to assist you at important cross roads.

Clarity & Support Are Just a Phone Call

or Email Away!

Contact Cheryl Today at 970.987.4153 or email at


In love and light,
