

Hi *|FNAME|*,


This Thursday is our last new moon for 2016.

It takes place on December 29, 2016 at 1:54am EDT(10:54pm PDT Dec 28th).

As this year comes to a close, I feel there is so much that we want to manifest for 2017.

Do you have a greater sense of clarity around the things and experiences you want to create for the new year?

Do you have a stronger sense of purpose?

Do you have NEW soul-filled dreams and desires that you want to attract?


If you need help on how to go about creating and manifesting, here are some tips that will help you move forward on your way to becoming a laser-focused, purpose-filled manifestor for the new year.

 Use some or all of these tips and you will begin to see the signs and language of the universe.

  1. Create a Vision Board – a place where you post you favorite pictures, words of inspiration, your dreams and goals. Jack Canfield describes a vision board beautifully. To find out more, click here.

  2. Write Down Your 10 Wishes – keep them in a safe place and refer back to them often.

  3. Mindful Prayer & Meditation -10 minutes a day 

  4. Set Intentions – for new relationships to manifest, new projects and opportunities around work to come, new creativity and insight. Ask for the highest and best to come for all.


~~Be kind, be gentle, be grounded, be grateful. 


~~Be open, plant seeds and expect miracles.



Happy New Year!


With love,
