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  • Learn How to Develop Your Psychic Abilities, Intuititve Aptitude & Mediumship Abilities

    with Clairvoyant Intuitive & Psychic Medium Cheryl Murphy This online community will develop within the context of a group dynamic. Cheryl's intention is to determine where the "energies" are at each month and how best to serve the group in further developing the intuitive, psychic and mediumship abilities of all its members. The experience Cheryl has had with her monthly Healing Prayer Circle has inspired this "Members Only" group. Cheryl feels and understands ( as other HPC members have attested) the power for amplifying everyone's loving intentions when brought together within the context of a group dynamic is significant! Gifted psychic and spiritual medium Cheryl Murphy is now opening up her offerings beyond just intuitive, evidential and personal spiritual readings. Many of her clients and HPC members are aware of their own intuitive gifts and psychic abilities and are eager to learn how to get their own guidance either psychic-ly or direct from spirit via mediumship abilities. If you would like to delve deeper into how to develop your psychic abilities, trust your intuition and get direct guidance from spirit with a proven professional and gifted healer, read further.

    Monthly Rate: $67/mo

    SAVE!!! Yearly Rate: $497 or $41.42/mo

  • This book is a collaborate effort of authors telling their story of what it took for them to learn to step into their power. They share authentically and from the heart. They also tell about how stepping into their powers has enhanced their life as well as the lives of others. You will experience their joy, their heartbreak, their struggles and their triumphs. The purpose of this book is to encourage others to step into their power and authentic purpose so that working together we can make this a better world.

    Ships early December 2022!

  • Taking care of oneself is essential, and by prioritizing our spiritual fitness, we can achieve a better balance of physical, psychological, and social well-being. Through this guide, I want to help you become more attuned to your inner self, find deeper connections, and have a sense of purpose to handle stress and adversity more quickly. In my 12-month Spiritual Fitness Guide, you will find monthly teachings on how to stay healthy, peaceful, and energized in body, mind, and spirit. Each month contains affirmations and suggestions on approaching the year with an open mind and gentle heart. I'm excited to share this guide with you, as it will give you the knowledge and tools you need to nurture your whole self and live your best life. Remember, the journey towards self-improvement and inner peace is one we all take together. I'm here to offer my support whenever you need it. Namaste!
  • If you've attended Cheryl's Healing Prayer Circle then you know how powerful and healing Cheryls guided meditations can be. Here's one to download immediately and enjoy in between all of her Healing Prayer Circles.
  • Join us on a magical journey of the soul, where professional mediums from around the world share their experiences of the afterlife and spirit communication. The stories in this book provide validation that our soul continues to survive, long after the death of our physical body. Our departed loved ones are not gone; they are alive and well in the Spirit World. They continue to watch over us, supporting and guiding from the Other Side. You can learn to connect with them through mediumship, spirit signs and synchronicities. Whether you are a believer in the afterlife or an open-minded skeptic, these stories allow you to experience loss and grief from a different perspective.


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